Tuesday 11 June 2013

Quicksand Suicide

Deeply sinking
Way down yonder
Into a place
Where nobody goes

Caught --- can’t escape 
This terrible feeling.

Emotions are lost
To the clouds up above.

Light disappears,
Sight is gone, history.

Struggling to climb
A ladder not there.

Anxiously awaiting rescue
Never to arrive,
Gasping for a lost hold,
Fighting for life.

Deeply sinking deeper...
Further and further down...
No way out now;
Turning back is impossible.

Goodbyes never said.
Was anything within ever read?


  1. Nice one even though I had a shiver or two running down my spine.

    Got here from google+.

  2. Thanks, Abiola! I have been spending a lot of time on G+ lately. I am pleased to have you here, even if my poetry makes you shiver!
